Ceremonial objects


Rimmonim – Finials

The term rimmonim originally derives from the shape of these ritual objects which were crafted to resemble pomegranates (in Hebrew rimmon, plural rimmonim).

They are set on the tips of the Torah scroll handles, although, in some cases, simpler silver finials are used. The pinnacle was generally embellished with decorations reminiscent of the vestments from the Temple in Jerusalem and the attire of the Cohanim (the priests).

Often the rimmonim are topped with bells that jingle as the Torah moves, thus imparting a festive air, a sense of celebration to accompany the reading.

Rimmonim, Torah finials, Northern Italy, 18th century, from Cento. Jewish Community of Ferrara.
Rimmonim, Torah finials, Northern Italy, 19th century, from Cento. Jewish Community of Ferrara.
Rimmonim, Torah finials, Northern Italy, 18th century, from Cento. Jewish Community of Ferrara.